소프트웨어 업데이트
종합 메타 분석
종합 메타 분석(CMA)은 메타 분석을 위한 강력한 컴퓨터 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 사용 편의성과 다양한 계산 옵션 및 정교한 그래픽을 결합합니다.
포괄적인 메타 분석
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software is a user-friendly advanced program that assists researchers and academics to synthesize various and multiple primary studies on a specific area of interest. Also, a very well written book accompanies the software that guides even junior investigators step-by-step. Mathematics are well explained using simple language. It can be used as an encyclopedia for getting answers to every day questions. CMA outperforms any other software. It is a must-have and use for every researcher."
Anastasia A. Mallidou, PhD - Associate Faculty member Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada