학생 또는 거주자/동료 가격

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Professional로의 업그레이드는 소프트웨어 비용 차액에 20달러의 편의 수수료를 더한 금액으로 가격이 책정됩니다.

학생 가격, 1년(버전 4)

프로페셔널 버전

표준 버전

라이트 버전

1년 1년 1년
복사본 단위 합계 단위 합계 단위 합계
1 $US 295 $US 295 $US 125 $US 125 $US 95 $US 95

레지던트/펠로우 가격, 1년(버전 4)

프로페셔널 버전

표준 버전

라이트 버전

1년 1년 1년
복사본 단위 합계 단위 합계 단위 합계
1 $US 295 $US 295 $US 125 $US 125 $US 95 $US 95


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거주자/동료 가격은 다음 조건이 모두 충족되는 경우에만 적용됩니다.

  • 사용자가 레지던트/펠로우입니다. 사용자는 프로그램 수락서 사본을 제공해야 합니다.
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  • 이 프로그램은 하나의 컴퓨터에만 설치할 수 있습니다. 프로그램이 잠금 해제된 후에는 환불되지 않습니다.
  • 거주자/동료 주문은 거주자/동료 이외의 사람이 지불한 것으로 처리되지 않습니다.
  • 레지던트/펠로우를 위한 라이센스를 구매하려는 교수는 학업 비용을 지불해야 합니다. 교수로부터 받은 레지던트/펠로우 주문은 처리되지 않습니다. 교육 기관 가격 책정을 참조하십시오.
일하는 여자

"I'm a graduate student at NC State University, and recently I tried out CMA for my lab. For the record, it is awesome. My lab, Meta World, is specifically focused on meta‐analysis, so we've used a lot of programs both good and bad. CMA is by far the best we've tried in terms of ease of use. It is simple enough for a first time meta‐analyst to use, but the best part is the diversity of options for the more advanced user. It is amazingly easy to switch effects models and other aspects, to the point that it's fun to fiddle around with things to see the difference they make. The options for output are everything you'd need for publication, and they look a good sight better than what I would have come up with without CMA. It is the only software that had all the functionality I needed for my thesis, and without it I would be stuck writing my own code."

Jennifer London - Doctoral Student in I/O Psychology, NC State University

"As a first‐year graduate student with minimal knowledge of meta‐analysis at the time, I found Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis to be an incredibly user‐friendly program. I began using Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis while reading Lipsey & Wilson's (2001) Practical Meta‐Analysis and found it easy to transition from the conceptual and practical issues discussed in their text to the procedures available in your program. My mentor and I continue to use your program as we prepare my Master's thesis for publication, and our use of this software has undoubtedly facilitated our progress. Best of luck with the future development of Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis and with your ongoing scholarship."

Jonathan Shaffer, PhD - Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health, Columbia University Medical Center

"I used Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA) to help me analyze research questions of my dissertation. Without CMA, I won't be able to complete 'two folders' of analysis on time. I would also like to thank the team of CMA to help me make clear problems I encountered. My dissertation earned the annual dissertation award of my school. I would like to share this honor with the CMA and Dr. Borenstein, a humorous and sincere scholar."

Yueh‐Yen Fang, Ph.D., RN - Assistant Professor, Fooyin University, Taiwan

"'Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis' lives up to its name by offering a range of options for analysis, at the same time doing so through a very user‐friendly interface. It has been invaluable to have a software option such as this during the course of my dissertation, and I am sure I will come back to CMA for future research also."

Deepa Pillai - Doctoral Candidate, Dept. of Marketing, College of Business, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL