비디오 튜토리얼
CMA로 메타 분석을 수행하는 방법
- 기본 주제
- 데이터 입력
- 해석 실행
- 랜덤 효과 모델
- 평균 효과 크기
- 이질
- 결과를 설명하는 방법
- 고분해능 플롯
- 민감도 분석
- 출판 편향 / 소규모 연구 효과
- 중재자가 중요한 이유
- 잠재적 중재자를 평가하는 절차
- 부분군 분석
- 메타 회귀
종합 메타 분석

종합 메타 분석(CMA)은 메타 분석을 위한 강력한 컴퓨터 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 사용 편의성과 다양한 계산 옵션 및 정교한 그래픽을 결합합니다.

포괄적인 메타 분석
"Being the lecturer for the course on meta‐analysis for the JSSS in Cambridge [the Social Science Research Methods Course programme, a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences], I am really forward looking forward to familiarising students with the programme. I found CMA unbelievably flexible‐‐and it wouldn't take students long to familiarise with it given how user‐friendly the programme is."
Dr. Maria M. Ttofi - Leverhulme and Newton Trust Fellow, Post‐doctoral Researcher, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge Research Fellow, Wolfson College
"I found the Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis software program to be extremely user friendly, providing instant computational data from the simplest to the most complex statistical problems, a versatile database to help organize and restructure large volumes of multifaceted data, and parallel visuals that help better understand your data. I also found the support staff very helpful in providing responses to both my technical questions about the program itself as well as helpful addressing more general theoretical questions about meta‐analyses. I would highly recommend this program to a novice or more seasoned researcher interested in conducting meta‐analytic statistics."
Talin Babikian, PhD, MPH - UCLA